Personal Understand Aerobic Exercise (有氧运动) and Anaerobic Exercise (无氧运动) Understand the difference between aerobic exercise (有氧运动) and anaerobic exercise (无氧运动).
Personal ACTION! My Motto for 2021 2020 is almost reaching the end. 2020 is one hell of a ride, but things are going to get better next year! Let's welcome 2021 and stay strong, stay healthy!
Personal What I have been up to? What I have been up to since the pandemic hit New York in the early March 2020.
Server My Nightmare with Magento Part II This is a recent incident that happened on me. It was one of my worst nightmare dealing with the mess. You are currently reading Part 2.
Server My Nightmare with Magento Part I This is a recent incident that happened on me. It was one of my worst nightmare dealing with the mess. You are currently reading Part 1.
Personal Huel, is it worth it? I have tried Huel for over a month now and here's my two cents: go for it if you are seriously thinking about getting a viable meal replacement solution. Read on to find out more!
Personal Recap 2019. Hello and welcome, 2020! 2019 is ended and here we go, 2020! 2019 is neither a good nor bad year for me, and I hope 2020 will be a fruitful year for me!
Personal Books that I read, currently reading and planned to read Reading is never an old-fashioned thing. Most of the successful people have such habit as it is one of the best ways to enrich knowledge and broaden views.
Review Thoughts on my first finished book in 2019 My first book that I have completed in 2019, “Complete Software Developer Career Guide” by John Somnez is a good start for software development career advancement.
Personal Everyone's first post This is my first official blog post. I know it might be hard and challenging at the beginning, but how do you even begin yours?