Salesforce Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Exam Preparation: Programmatic Sharing Programmatic Sharing weighs 17% of total score in Sharing and Visibility Designer exam, which covers sharing with Apex, security risk in programmatic customizations, CRUD/FLS permission enforcement and etc.
Salesforce Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Exam Preparation: Performance and Scalability Performance and Scalability only makes up 7% of total score in Sharing and Visibility Designer exam. Even though it might be 4 questions roughly, who knows that might be what you need to pass the exam? So better be prepared as well!
Salesforce Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer Exam Preparation: Declarative Sharing Declarative Sharing consists of 76% of total score in Salesforce Sharing and Visibility Designer exam. This section covers mostly about declarative sharing and security and it is the greatest portion of this exam!