Marketing and Leads constitutes 8% of total score in Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant exam. This section covers topics such as marketing capabilities, lead scoring and qualification, lead data quality, lead automation tools and campaign management. Without further ado, let's get into it!

NOTE: This post is written in April 2020 and content might be changed/updated overtime. The content is inspired by

Guideline for Marketing and Leads

  • Explain how marketing capabilities support the sales process.
  • Given a scenario, recommend appropriate methods for lead scoring and criteria for lead qualification.
  • Explain the best practices for managing lead data quality.
  • Describe the best practices for using lead automation tools and campaign management.

Marketing Capabilities

Campaign Management

  • Campaign Management includes how marketing campaigns are planned and executed.
  • Purpose of Campaign:
    • generate Leads that can be turned into customer
    • brand building
    • track marketing activities, such as online ads, direct mail, conferences and etc.
  • Salesforce Mass Email is limited to 5,000 per day.
  • User must have 'Marketing User' permission on user record to access Campaign feature.
  • NOTE: Marketing User is a Feature License.
  • Existing customers, existing leads, and new leads can be targeted through campaigns based on various criteria.
  • Campaigns can be categorized for easier analysis and reporting needs.
  • Campaign responses can be tracked by analyzing the channels used by customers and prospects.
  • Contacts, Leads, or Person Accounts can be added as Campaign Members in Campaign.
  • You can choose Member Status when adding to Campaign Member, ex: Sent, Attending, Declined
  • You can add the Leads or Contacts repeatedly, it will either dismiss the update or overwrite the current values, choose either 'Keep existing Member Status' or 'Update to the selected Member Status'.
  • You can add new or modify existing Member Status:
  • You can click Clone button to clone the Campaign, or you can click Clone with Related to clone the Campaign as well as Campaign Member Status.
  • You can modify the Member Status or add Lead to multiple Campaigns from the Campaign History Related List in Lead:
  • Choose the Campaign and add the Lead as Campaign Member:
  • Responses can be updated with Campaign Member Import Wizard by clicking Manage Campaign Members button in Campaign Member Related List:
  • Send List Email button in Campaign Member Related List can be used to send mass email to recipients in Contact or Lead List Views, Campaigns, or Campaign Members:
    • you can also manually add recipients to the email list
  • Leads or Contacts can be added to Campaign directly from report:
  • Campaign Influence
    • Campaign Influence allows marketers to measure and report on multiple campaigns that have influence a single opportunity
    • Influential campaigns can be associated to opportunities manually or automatically.
    • Primary Campaign Source field on Opportunity can be set to associate with the campaigns manually (influence = 100%)
      • NOTE: only one 'Prmary Campaign source' can be set on an opportunity. 100% revenue credit will be assigned to it, 0% to any other campaigns associated to the opportunity
    • Additional campaigns can be associated with the Opportunity by adding a Contact with Contact Role on the Opportunity:
      • NOTE: the Contact that is assigned a Contact Role on an Opportunity must be prior to the Close Date of the Opportunity
    • Campaign Influence feature must be enabled in Setup > Campaign Influence Settings:
    • the user must have assigned either CRM User or Sales User (both allows access to all Pardot features and Campaign Influence) in the Permission Set License Assignments, then create a Permission Set with 'Campaign Influence' and assign to the user.
    • NOTE: choose License Type 'CRM User' or 'Sales User' when creating Permission Set will not automatically grant you the permissions, you still need to assign users to it:
    • Auto-Association Settings:
      • automatically adds Campaigns to Opportunities when the Contact Role on Opportunity is also a member of the Campaign
      • the contact is added to the opportunities within a certain number of days from when the contact was added to the campaign
      • you can define a number of days for a time frame, or other filtering criteria that must be met before a campaign can be auto-associated to an Opportunity
      • Campaign Influence Time Frame: ___ days - maximum number of days between a contact's association with the campaign and the opportunity's creation date
      • Auto-Association Rules - specify the criteria for automatic association of campaigns to opportunities
      • Once you set the days, campaign influence will be recalculated.
    • Campaign Influence Model Settings:
      • only the default Salesforce model can support auto-association
      • a locked model means you can only add or edit Campaign Influence records via workflows or API (default model is locked)
      • if you change default model to your custom model, you will lose all the standard default features, such as auto-association, primary campaign source and etc.
      • Record Preference can only be set on default model, custom model can only set All Records
      • Records with >0% Atribution means to create Campaign Influence records when the Opportunity revenue attribution is greater than 0%
  • Campaign Hierarchy
    • Campaign Hierarchy is used to group campaigns together
    • Parent Campaign field is used to associate campaigns with one another
    • maximum depth of Campaign Hierarchy is 5 levels
  • Campaign Influence Related List can also be added on Account page layout. Filters can be based on All Opportunities, Closed/Won Opportunities, and Open Opportunities.
  • Campaign ROI (Return of Investment):
    • Campaign ROI is calculated as (( Total Value of Closed Won Opportunities - Campaign Actual Cost) / Campaign Actual Cost) * 100
    • for example, (( 20,000 - 6,000) / 6,000) * 100 = 233.33%

Lead Management

  • Lead Management refers to efforts to qualify leads so that they can be passed to sales for opportunities.

  • Lead Assignment Rules:

    • assign leads to users or queues based on criteria you define automatically
    • only 1 active assignment rule at a time, the rest will be deactivated
    • define rule entries and assign to User or Queue
    • NOTE: Queue is only available for Case, Lead and custom objects and you can select members: User, Public Group, Roles, Roles and Internal Subordinates, Roles, Internal and Portal Subordinates, Territories, Territories and Subordinates
  • Web-to-Lead:

    • capture data submitted by website visitors, such as contact information and product interest, and store it as a Lead record
    • if Lead does not meet Lead Assignment Rule criteria, it will be assigned to a default Lead Owner in Setup > Lead Settings.
    • you can click 'Create Web-to-Lead Form' button to generate the HTML form:
    • copy the HTML code and use it on the website:
    • Web-to-Lead is limited to 500 new leads per day
  • Lead Auto-Response Rules:

Lead Scoring

  • Lead Scoring calculates a score on the Lead based on certain criteria to determine the lead quality.
  • Lead Scoring can be based on various factors, such as lead activity, data quality and qualification level.
  • BANT (Budget, Authority, Need and Timing)
    • BANT is a qualification methodology can be used to qualify and score leads:
      • Budget - determine which product or service they are likely to purchase
      • Authority - determine whether the prospect have authority to make the purchase before opportunity can be created
      • Need - determine whether the prospect has the actual need for the product or service
      • Timeline - determine the prospect's timeline for purchase
  • Lead data quality score measures:
    - Age - new Lead (recent created date) is more important than old Lead
    - Accuracy - ignore or unqualify fake leads
    - Completeness - amount of lead information completed
    - Relevance - get insights of the prospect and its relevance to the products or services offered
  • use formula to generate Lead score and display rating with IMAGE function

Lead Data Quality Management

  • Things to work on to improve data quality:
    • guidelines for creating, processing and maintaining data
    • set naming and formatting conventions for lead records and fields
    • use Lead score to determine the correctness or accuracy of lead records
  • Tools to improve data quality:
    • reCAPTCHA for Web-to-Lead form
    • Validation Rules
      • detect empty field or check the format
    • Workflow Rules
      • assign unassigned leads to a manager if unassigned for a period of time
      • field updates to ensure completeness of lead data
    • Required Fields
      • ensure certain fields are always entered necessary information
    • Data Enrichment Tool
      • Data Integration Rules can be used to add geocode for address field
    • Duplicate Management Tool
      • Duplicate Rules
        • Duplicate Rules can be used to control whether when one can save duplicate records
        • example of creating a Contact Duplicate Rule:
          • Record-Level Security:
            • Enforce sharing rules - compare only records that user has access to
            • Bypass sharing rules - compares all records, regardless of user access
          • Actions:
            • Action On Create - Allow the action with options to show alert text or show on report, or Block the action with alert text
            • Action On Edit - Allow the action with options to show alert text or show on report, or Block the action with alert text
            • Alert Text - the text to display when duplicates detected
            • NOTE: if Report option is set, Duplicate Record Item and Duplicate Record Set records will be created for duplicates and it can be viewed in report
          • Matching Rules:
            • Matching Rules can be used to identify possible duplicates
            • select at least one Matching Rule associated with the object (Matching Rule must be activated)
            • click 'Add Rule' button to add multiple Matching Rules
          • Conditions:
            • specify the condition a record must meet for the rule to run, ex: email contains 'text' word
      • Matching Rules:
        • Matching Rules can be used to determine whether a record is similar enough to existing records to be considered a duplicate
        • set matching criteria with 'Exact' matching method:
        • match 'Fuzzy' is only available for certain fields such as Account Name, Billing address and etc.
        • example of creating a Contact Matching Rule:
    • Data Merge
      • 'Find Duplicates' component can be added to the page
      • NOTE: at least one Duplicate Rule must be activated to use this feature
      • view the potential duplicates:
      • compare the potential duplicates before merge:
      • merge the potential duplicates:
      • NOTE: only Lead Owner, Lead Owner manager, or System Administrator can merge records.
      • Org-Wide Merge and Delete can be set in Setup > Lead Settings to allow all users to merge and delete leads if the Org-Wide sharing default for Leads is set to 'Public Read/Write/Transfer'
    • Dashboard
      • dashboard can be used to monitor the lead quality easily
      • find out the overall lead score, lead with missing data and etc.

Lead Automation Tools

  • Other Lead Automation Tools not listed above will be included here.
  • Lead List View buttons (Salesforce Lightning):
    • Import - import up to 50,000 Leads from a CSV files using Lead Import Wizard
    • Add to Campaign
    • Change Status
    • Change Owner
    • Send List Email
  • Lead Tools (Salesforce Classic):
    • Import Leads
    • Mass Delete Leads
    • Transfer Leads
    • Mass Email Leads
    • Mass Add Leads to Campaign
  • LinkedIn Accounts
    • LinkedIn Accounts can be set to add LinkedIn Accounts as Leads in Setup > LinkedIn Accounts:
    • LinkedIn ad account needs to be connected to Salesforce to generate leads from LinkedIn Lead Gen Ads
    • only 500 new leads can be added from LinkedIn per day
    • Lead Gen Fields can be used to map the field between LinkedIn and Salesforce
    • each LinkedIn Form can have up to 3 optional questions which can be mapped to custom fields
    • Web-to-Lead must be turned on to enable LinkedIn Lead Gen
    • Lead Gen Form is used instead of custom HTML form to collect inforamtion about leads from ads on LinkedIn

That's all about it, see you in next post!

Post was published on , last updated on .

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